Monday, February 18

Review: Urban Decay Vintage Eyeshadow in Dashiki

Hi! So I thought I'll pick up where I left off with my Urban Decay haul 2 months back. I really need to get updating more regularly. Believe me, I've got images catalogued in folders and a list in my phone with the different products used for different days but I just haven't gotten around to blogging.

So! Dashiki, from UD Vintage Eyeshadows collection cost an amazing US$6 on the website during the sale. Picked it up because the colour is gorgeous on screen. It's a bright blue, akin to pool water, with a shimmer/sheen.

I was a little hesitant initially because whenever I use stronger eyeshadow colours, I always end up looking like I'm headed to a getai (for those not in the know, a getai is a live stage performance performed in Singapore during the Hungry Ghost Festival, and the performers are usually dressed really loudly, with as much glitter and colours as possible). But the price and the prettiness of the colour just gave me that little push towards the 'Add to Cart' button. I have no will.

Cute little packaging that looks like a Coke bottle cap.
Check out the gorgeous shimmer.
Swatched it with just one light swipe.
Again, UD doesn't fail. The consistency is again rich and creamy, with great colour pay-off. One swipe gets you a decent colour, a few more swipes and you'll look like you coloured in your eyelids with crayons.

Blending is a dream, so I did this.

Not too much - they can't go over the lids or I may get locked up. :(
Just a subtle tinge of Dashiki.
Here's my look - primed with Urban Decay Primer Potion in Original. Didn't use a base to get the best test effect from Dashiki. Topped it off with Clio Gelpresso Waterproof Pencil Gel Eyeliner in Golden Black and coated my lashes with Silkygirl Big Eye Collagen Waterproof Mascara.

For some reason, my husband hated my outfit. :(
Here's an image I posted on Instagram - the sunlight made Dashiki stand out more.
Here's how it looks after 11 hours.

The blue wasn't as vibrant anymore so there was that bit of fading, very slight creasing and that ugly messy eyeshadow was actually a result of Clio eyeliner transferring all over my monolids. Sigh. However, for all its vibrant colour, slight fading and creasing was something I expected. It held up better than I thought it would so good on UD.

Overall, I do like the quality and the colour, but I still don't think I'm adventurous enough to wear this often. Also, I do feel that UD Deluxe Eyeshadows are a mite better than the Vintage Eyeshadows in terms of staying power and quality. It could just be a trick of mind though.

So what do you think?

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