Wednesday, November 12

I am still greatly fascinated by sand drawings.

Armed with the simplest tools of his trade, Minta, the Taiwanese sand artist, creates drawings so beautiful, it's ridiculous.

The 'ooohs' & 'aaaahs' from the guests are very much exaggerated, but his drawings definitely evoke awe.

Here you go, three more performances from the talented sand artist.

My favourite:

I don't understand how he could create such distinctive differences between a man & a woman through sand drawings. & the way the two faces's so simple, yet it transforms the viewer's perspective.

Another one - unique features/attractions from around the world:

His depiction of Christ the Redeemer is gorgeous. Nimbly scattering grains of sand over the 'canvas' & swiping smoothly, Minta produced intricate details of the face of the statue.

Last one - Jurassic Park:

I don't like this as much, since I've never been a fan of them dinosaurs. They all kinda look alike to me, but it's still mesmerising to watch his fingers move smoothly all over the 'canvas'.

Wow. Really.

Edit: If you watch these, please don't load them & skip to the end to watch the final piece. The in-process is what's interesting. & I realised I'm also amazed that he uses both hands simultaneously to 'draw', & with completely fluid motions. :o No word for it. Amazing.

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