Monday, June 14

Oh gee! Look at this guy! Ain't he hot? He's the guy in 'Bend It Like Beckham'. Gee, those lips can kill! *swoons* Haha!

Anyway, Spain won! SPAIN WON! What can be better than this? Spain won, & Portugal lost! Haha! & so, Spain's threat has considerably lessen. I'm happy.

Really excited. At this time tomorrow, I'll be on the plane to Hong Kong! Let's hope I can control my appetite & not come back all roly-poly & unrecognizable. Yepz, really excitable now so I shan't blog anymore. Feast your eyes on more of Jonathan Rhys Meyers instead!

I know this girl who thinks of ghosts
She'll make you breakfast, she'll make you toast
She don't use butter
She don't use cheese
She don't use jelly, or any of these.
She uses vasaline

I know a guy who goes to shows
When he's at home & he blows his nose
He don't use tissues
Or his sleeves
He don't use napkins, or any of these
He uses magazines

I know a girl who reminds me of Cher
She's always changin' the color of her hair
She don't use nothin' you buy at the store
She likes her hair to be real orange
She uses tangerines

The Flaming Lips [She Don't Use Jelly]

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