Tuesday, January 1

For a moment, I forgot that 2007 has already flown by.

In that one year, I've witnessed the birth of my first niece, who's squealing & giggling in the hall now as I type.

The 9 got closer, & started doing a lot of things together - having parties exclusively for The 9, having lunches. I also hung out with Steph a lot, & we did a lot of double-dating with Daryl & Mike.

I'm still in love as Daryl - as much as before, or perhaps even more. We've been through our crazy fights & everything, & I'm so relieved that we fought a lot lesser last year than the year before. He's also starting to open up with my clothes & guy friends, & we're understanding each other better. :) Which makes me absolutely glad.

Other than all that, I don't feel any different even though today is the first day of 2008. I feel...normal. Not excited or tingly or anything at all. New Year's Eve was a quiet affair with Daryl & his family.

I have also given up on New Year Resolutions. I've always made those, ever since I was in secondary school. But why bother when you know you're not gonna keep to them? Why spend time coming up with something useless then?

Will I be looking forward to the rest of 2008? Definitely.

I'm looking forward to the trip to Oklahoma. I'll be spending every second of the day with my baby, for an entire blissful month. I'll be visiting places. I'll be hanging out with my good friends - Skye & my 9. I'll be learning new things.

But I am definitely apprehensive about graduating. Having to find a stable job - preferably something to stick to. Something I wouldn't hate. Something that I can live with. Something that wouldn't make me dread weekday mornings. I'm afraid.

But whatever it is, I'll have my loving boyfriend, my family & my friends with me. That time will come when it does. :)

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